
Category: dribblings

yesterday mr. fleegan and i bought a new weedwacker. the whole time we were outside working on the weedwacker and then finally, weedwacking, we wondered at our amazing luck of not being visited by Crazy Margaret. it was truly a blessed day. for us.

when i talked to dad that evening he said, “guess who visited Best today?”
“i dunno, who?”
“um, the whore that didn’t pay me for painting her porch?” she lives down the street from Best’s new house.
“no. Crazy Margaret.”
“what?! NO!”
“NO! i don’t believe you! you are lying to me!”
“i’m not lying. Best was pissed.”
“oh my gosh. how did margaret get there?”
“she rode her bike.”
“if i’m lyin’ i’m dyin.”
“but that’s…”
“i know.”
“i mean, it would take me 15 minutes to get to Best’s house from here, in my jeep.”
i know.
“but how-”
“i don’t know.”
“-did she-”
“i don’t know. Best doesn’t know either.”
“-know where Best lives?!”
“don’t. know.”
“that’s impossible! how did she find out?!”
“we were wondering if maybe you had told-”
“never! i would NEVER!”
“yeah, we pretty much thought that.”
“dad, that is CRAZY. HOW DID SHE FIND HER?!”
“it has blown everyone’s mind. including yours.”
“Best isn’t in the phone book.”
“she didn’t ask her? like, “JESUS IN GOD, MARGARET, HOW DID YOU FIND ME?!” ‘cos that would have been my first reaction.”
“yeah, i dunno. Best was really pissed. she kept saying, “i spent $100,000 just to get away from her!” over and over.”
“ew. i thought she was just Crazy, but now i’m thinking she’s Scary Crazy.”
“yeah, that’s not normal.”
“i haven’t seen her in days. maybe it took her that long to get over there. hee.”

jimmy’s reaction: “you are KIDDING me! how?!”
“on her bike.”
“how did she find her?!”

those same questions were repeated many time yesterday.



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