
Category: dribblings

is it just me or has this month flown by?

since last we’ve blogged together i’ve had many great adventures. and by “adventures” i mean pushing books, paint, and low income housing for the elderly. my jeep wouldn’t start on sunday. the red one. the chosen one. got a new battery for it, but it kinda pisses me off cos the old battery was only 2 years old. why is it i get 2 years out of a 3 year battery?
i know why.

because popsicle talked me into buying the cheap battery. i was all, “i want the GOLD battery; look how cool the sticker is!” and he was all, “don’t be a sucker, jaimie.”

yes. don’t be a sucker. jaimie. so the battery we got that time was a generic battery practically just a black box with the word BATTERY painted on it in white. it was probably the last $30 car battery ever sold.

this time popsicle, in a rare moment of splurge, picked out the SILVER battery. so let’s see how long this one lasts.


book title of the day: Over His Dead Body
doesn’t that crack you up? no? well how about this kid’s book title: Time Warp Trio: You Can’t, But Genghis Khan

yeah, i got ya with that one didn’t i? nothing quite like a mongol pun, no?


i’m washing my sneakers because they stink and i can’t really afford new ones right now. i hope they don’t fall apart in the wash. they were bad though, it was getting to the point where febreeze wasn’t helping.


it’s that time of the year again. Lent. such a heavy word. sure it’s just 4 letters but when you say it it’s all, uhhhhhhhhg. lent. i thought about busting my tradition and giving up something different but i only came up with lame things like,
reading shitty books
taking the cat to the vet

and most of those things are necessary so…there you go. so once again i’ll be giving up the sugar for lent. so no fun snack cakes, chocolate awesomeness, or ice cream for me. meh, it’s boring but i’ve decided that if someone asks me if i’ve given up anything for lent that instead of sugar i’ve given up anal sex. how cool would that be if i could say that with a straight face? especially if dad asks.
that would rule.

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