
Category: dribblings

i would love to wash my car, but it seems REALLY pointless at the moment seeing as how it will be yellow all over again the next day. pollen season is not only a pain in the lungs and throat, but it makes everything look blech. coupla good rains would fix things….as well as make my grass grow 14 more inches.

myst uru spoiler blah blah blah
last week i finally completed the available ages in URU. i did have some help from people i met in the game. i am very glad that i did the Eder Gira/Kemo ages very last. cos if i had done those first? i know myself, and i know that i would have stopped playing the game entirely if i had played those first. the ages themselves weren’t that difficult or anything. there were no intense puzzles like in Kadish. it was mostly running around collecting journey cloths. however, there was one journey cloth that was impossible to find. this resulted in me checking out the internet and reading forums and such.

now i had an idea where the cloth was…just not how to get to it. i figured it was in this dark cave that i couldn’t navigate because there was no light. i kept going in that cave and clicking randomly in hopes of hitting a light or something. no luck. after hours of not figuring anythig out i hit the forums. so HERE’S how you do it. the cave is in Gira. you gotta go to Kemo and find a swarm of fireflies. you gotta walk through the swarm a couple of times. when some of them swarm around you then you walk WALK because if you RUN they fly away. also you can only jump ONCE. if you jump TWICE they fly away. so you walk to the linking book on the other end of Kemo…Kemo, by the way, has random thunderstorms. if the fireflies get wet THEY FLY AWAY. so if it rains while you have the bugs you gotta wait under one of the gazebos till it stops raining.

so, rules of the fireflies are:
1. no running
2. can only jump once
3. don’t get them wet
4. never feed them after midnight

when you link back to Gira you have fireflies still around you. but see, when you get there you’ve got to cross two patches of water. so you gotta build a bridge out of one of those basket thingies BEFORE you go get bugs. so then you cross your bridge then you jump the other water. then you can see in the cave. there IS a light in the cave after all, BUT THE GAME WON’T LET YOU CLICK IT UNLESS YOU HAVE THE FIREFLIES.

so that’s great. but then there wasn’t a journey cloth in the cave…just some water falls…which also contained more of those baskets. curious. walking on the outside there was a small waterfall to jump over and then see, THE FIREFLIES FLEW AWAY FOR I HAD ALREADY JUMPED BEFORE. this leads to a DARK CAVE. so there i was thinking i was about to finish the age. but NO. you gotta kick the other baskets over the waterfall to make another bridge where you had to jump so that you can get the fireflies to the other cave.

like i said, if this had been the first place i played i would have quit the game SO FAST. so i go BACK to Kemo to get MORE BUGS and wait out a STORM and then WALK PATIENTLY to the linking book, and link back to gira, and….no bugs….but I’M GLOWING. yes, that’s right, A GLITCH IN THE GAME. so i glow my way back to the second cave lighting the way with my glowiness, and there! i see the journey cloth and another light and….it won’t let me click either one of them, because though i went through the whole spiel, i didn’t TECHNICALLY have fireflies.

i know.

asinine. assy. ass.

by this time i was filled with anger. so i quit and played it a day or so later.

so like i say, if that had not been the last world i played i’m certain i would have totally quit the game because that’s not fun it’s aggravating.


in real news: laura’s baby is so cute and i can’t wait to see him and hold him again. it’s kinda funny cos i’m totally not one for holding babies, especially a brand new one. but cookie was holding him and she says to me she says, “you want to hold him, jaimie?” and i look at the tiny, wittle fweegan thinking how he’s so tiny and new and i say, “okay.”

it was so easy to hold him cos he was all wrapped up in blankets and also he weighed less than…pretty much anything you pick up all day. and he made little baby sounds. little grunts and things like that. so cute. beyond cute.

earlier in the day while i was at work at the HCH i got a phone call from kris saying that they were in Birmingham and going to have the baby. he was so calm and cool on the phone and i was all, “what?! THAT’S GREAT NEWS! omigod, okay. do you need anything? i’ll feed the cats for you! only i don’t have a key. that’s okay. i’ll break a pane in the door, unlock it, feed the cats, go get a new pane from the glaziers, and have it fixed in less than an hour. no problem. eeeeee!”

“we fed the cats before we left. just calling to let you know…baby.”

“okay! great! we’ll see you tonight! yay!”

as soon as i hung up the phone i started crying. that wouldn’t have been so bad if dad, tinley, and sonny hadn’t been standing there. because they didn’t know what was going on and so we played crying charades.

dad: whoa, hey. are you crying?

me: *nods*

dad: what’s going on…i heard you say “GREAT NEWS!” and now you’re crying.

me: *nods* baby… *sob*

tinley: laura’s having her baby?

me: *nods* *more bawling*

dad: oh no, what’s wrong with the baby?

me: *shakes head* *more sobbing*

tinley: are you sad cos you’re not down there with them?

i shake my head and in a voice filled with tears and snot i say, “no, i’m just so happy!”

dad’s all, “jesus, you scared me to death with all this crying.”

tinley was all, “you a little hormonal today?”

and for the next 4 hours i would just start to cry at random intervals.

my brother was coming in to town that evening and i called to tell him i probably wouldn’t see him that night because laura’s baby was born and we were going to b’ham to see it and he was all, “tell Obi Wan Catoeby i said hi!” which made me laugh. it always surprises me when he refers to the website cos i never think that he (or jimmy) ever reads the site.

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