28. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

I’ve been interested in this trilogy since last year when I noticed lots of ‘tweens and teens checking out the books, and their disappointment when one of the books would be checked out. One girl was devastated when I told her it was checked out. “NOOoooo!” she wailed, “I want to read it so bad!” Normally I don’t pay that close attention to the YA section of the ‘brary, but like I said, we had kids fighting for these books. And when kids are fighting over something to read… that gets my attention.

I would forget all about the series until someone would check out the first book and there I’d be all, “Oh yeah, I need to grab that when it comes back in.” and of course, me being me, I’d forget about it. Here it is over a year later and I’ve FINALLY grabbed the first book and I’ve remembered to put the second book on hold at the ‘brary as that one seems to be REALLY popular and it never stays on the shelf. In fact, i’m number two on the list for that book and it’s OVERDUE as it is and the only thing I can figure out is either it is REALLY AWESOME or there’s a juicy sex part in it.

Twilight is about a girl, Bella, who moves to Washington state to live with her dad so her mom (who’s remarried to a minor league baseball player) can go to Florida to live with her new husband. Bella hates Forks (the small, rainy town in Washington). She attends the local high school, and she’s different from the other kids because she’s… clumsy? She’s very clumsy and I must have missed the part that explains why she is so clumsy. She’s a typical angsty-ish teen. Kinda sarcastic.

Bella is drawn to this one guy, Edward, who only hangs out with his brothers and sisters who are all beautiful and gorgeous. Turns out they’re all vampires, but good vampires. I’m not giving anything away that the back cover doesn’t give away. Although at first I figured Edward for a werewolf and not a vamp seeing as how he could go out during the day. Ms. Meyer decided not to go with the whole vamps burn up in the sun. Instead she opts for vamps glow magically in the sun. So it’s good that they live in the rainiest place in the U.S.A., and on really sunny days they skip school.

SPOILER ALERT. if you plan on reading this book don’t read the rest of this.

I was pleasantly surprised that by the end of the book Bella is not turned into a vampire. She wants it. Oh, does she want it. But it didn’t happen. I’m sure it’ll happen in the next book, or perhaps the third one. Basically what happens is a bad vampire comes after Bella and so she runs off to protect her mom and dad and Edward and his vampire fam save the day.

I’m sure if I had read this book when I was a teen or ‘tween I would have loved it. However, being that I am neither of those, I didn’t enjoy the book that much. I mean, school dances and jealous girls and misunderstood teens seem kind of trite now. I hate to say that. But well, that’s what happens when you age a bit.

I did manage to read it in two days. So it wasn’t boring.  I do want to read the second book to see what goes on (like I say, we can’t keep it in the ‘brary it gets checked out so much. which is weird cos the third one doesn’t get as much checkout action as the second. So i’m assuming there’s an awesome sex part in it.) I’m also betting there are werewolves in the second one cos it’s called New Moon. Just a guess.

There are definitely worse books that teens could be reading (V. C. Andrews, anyone?). This one didn’t have any swear words or sex in it. And I noticed that the author went to Brigham Young University so I’m wondering if she’s a Mormon, and if that’s why the book was so clean.

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