
Category: dribblings

mr. fleegan has shingles. so, if you’ve not had chicken pox be sure to NOT touch his horrible seeping rash. poor guy.

of course, when he was diagnosed on friday my first response as The Loving Wife was, “shingles?! oh no. i’m so sorry. it sucks to be you. say, that’s like the chicken pox, right? so i’m in the clear OH NO WHAT ABOUT BEN? *GASP* AM I CONTAGIOUS TO BEN? CAN HE GET CHICKEN POX FROM ME LIVING WITH YOU AND YOUR OOZING LESIONS?!”

ok, so my over-reaction wasn’t quite so over the top, but it was close.

mr. fleegan seems to have a very mild case of shingles. mostly an itchy rash with grossness. i’ve heard it’s very painful but his doesn’t seem to be painful. the doc said that sometimes it isn’t painful. so i guess jimmy is thankful for that.


do you know what happens if you click here?

you get to see a picture of my brother with his band and read a very positive review of one of their shows! the reviewer says my little bro is “tighter than a tiger.”
toit as a toigah!


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