so i get to work and my boss says to me she says, “jaimie, do you know anything about spiders?”

and i say, “not really.”

and she says, “do you know what kind of spider this is?” as she points out the window.

i go over to the window and look and say, “oh, ha, ha. hilarious.” and walk over to my bag to get my camera.

she says, “what? no really. what kind of spider is that?”

“seems like July has sent an assassin! ha! nice try!”


“nothing. are you kidding me? that’s only the biggest black widow spider i’ve ever seen.”

“oh. i knew it was something i just wasn’t sure what.”

“that thing is huge. i’m taking pictures.”

“let’s go outside and look at it too.”


i thought it was strange that it was hanging out in a web in broad daylight as i was told they live in dark places like woodpiles and underground in your water meter hole. but here was this asshole all, “right here, bitches.”

yeah, if i were you i’d click that pic to see the ginormosity of that thing.
*clap clap* “ENHANCE!”

here’s a pic of it outside. and again, you should see the big ‘un. *clap clap* “ENHANCE!”

then one of my coworkers had had enough and she killed it. they were all, “what if it lays eggs tomorrow and they get in the window?!” i wanted to get more pictures of it because i figured i had more time before the thing exploded with babies who would then come in the ‘brary and eat our souls…. but i lost out, and she done kilt that black widder graveyard dead.

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