my leetle brahther and seester-in-law have the internet now.  look, i know, but they just got cable like, a couple of months ago, so this is huge, right? and no, they don’t live in a hut in the australian outback.

so anyway, i asked li’l bro if he’d seen the new and he was all, “yeah, i read a couple of your stories.”


“but it was all the same thing over and over.”


*whiny muppet voice* “oh, i’m jaimie and i had to work today.”


“oh, and this is what someone said to me.”


“oh and here i am having to go somewhere. and look! something happens!”

i hate it when that shithead is right.

he was in the high school marching band. he played sax. and yeah, there was a big fluffy plume in his band hat.
*whiny muppet voice* “hi, i’m justin. and i’m barely clever enough to maintain a myspace page. i wish i was awesome like my beeg seester, but i’m not.”

