i took Roxy to the vet yesterday. it was time for her yearly check-up, vaccinations, and probing.

we used a different vet this time. i loved the old vet, but since i’ve moved to the ‘burbs this vet is much closer. also, i thought a change might do Roxy some good. see, she’s the best dog ever. great dog. most mild mannered dog i’ve ever owned. but take her to the vet and she becomes a tazmanian devil who does her best to get away and run from the vet building and straight into highway traffic.

so i figured we’d try a new building and catch her off guard.

we got to the new place and she got out of the car and was all, “hey! here i am! what the-” and then immediately tried to get back in the car. dad grabbed her and basically picked her up/dragged her to the vet’s office heimlich style. her head was even with his head and her legs were dragging the ground.
dog is huge.
it was actually the smoothest vet drop off ever.

so she was getting her yearlies and some grooming done. i talked to the groomer personally, which was nice. since it’s august i didn’t really want to get her summer cut (shaved all over) and the groomer agreed. she siad she’d thin her out, and i asked that she shave a bit behind Roxy’s ears cos she gets these matted parts behind her ears and i know that can’t feel good.

also, Roxy’s right front paw had been giving her trouble since friday so i asked that when the vet does all the stuff that he check the paw too. then i left to Roxy’s big brown puppy eyes all, “et tu, bitch?”

the lady at the counter was all, “she’s just here for a check-up?” and i was all, “yeah. and i need some heartgard and frontline for the ol’ girl too.” and she actually went, “cha-ching!”
which is what i was saying to myself in my head.

i was able to pick her up around 3:30pm. she was so clean and fluffy and very happy to see me and also her toe was bleeding a bit. what?

apparently she had an infected toe claw thing. so they (and this is so gross and painful i’m sure) ripped it out. I KNOW! ME TOO! and now she’s got this bloody white thing sticking out where her regular black toe nail would be. she’s to get antibiotics twice a day.

the total? $263.75. cha-ching, indeed. dammit, that’s diggin’ in to my beer money.

needless to say, Princess Roxy has been in the house since she got home. laying on her pillow and being awesomely herself. you can tell she doesn’t feel well (what with all the drugs in her system… and the bloody toe nail bone!). but she still wags her tail at me so that’s good.
