8.27.08 TV shenanigans
Category: dribblings
so mr. fleegan is doing this whole digital TV swap box homemade DVR thing. i don’t know anything about it, you’ll have to ask him. and when he talks to me about it i’m all, “yeah, yeah, yeah can you stop fucking around with the TV? Family Guy is on.”
so this evening he’s all, “hey jaimie, blah blah blah wasn’t that HD awesome?”
and i’m over here typing a righteous anger-filled review of New Moon and answer, “what? yeah. wait, what?”
and he’s all, “HD blah blah blah the clarity blah awesome HD blah.”
and i say, “jimmy, i’m a girl. girls don’t care about HD television.”
“yes they do! just because you-”
“jimmy, you show me a girl who cares about HDTV, and i’ll show you a lesbian.”
“it’s true.”
“no way.”
“let’s go ask fellykish. she’ll say the same thing.”
so we walk down the hall to fellykish’s room and jimmy tries to trap her all, “hey kelly, if you had a choice to watch the Lord of the Rings on an HDTV or a regular one, what would be your choice?”
she’s all, “what? i’ve seen it both ways. there’s not a big difference.”
“but which way would you prefer to watch it?”
“who cares?”
i’m all, “see?”
she’s all, “what’s going on?”
“i told him girls don’t care about HDTV bullshit.”
“that’s true.”
“yeah but-”
“but nothing, furthermore, i told him ‘you show me a girl who cares about HDTV, and i’ll show you a lesbian.”
“ha! good point.”
“thank you.”
“how can you say that?”
“okay, 90% of girls who are into HD…”
“yeah, and that’s not counting girls who are stuck selling televisions at stores.”
“totally not counting those. and part of that 10% goes to girls whose boyfriends couldn’t stand their shitty TVs so they harped on them till they bought whatever bullshit to shut the boyfriend up.”
“i just don’t-”
“name a single one of our single girl friends who has an amazing TV setup HD big screen dolby blah blah. or one who even TALKS about TVs.”
“see? it’s a total guy thing.”
“it is.”
Tags: fellykish, mr. fleegan, TV
oooooo Jaimie looks like Jimmy wins. I so love me some HDtv and will not watch it any other way unless they just don’t have it in HD. And ummm I’m all into the super huge screen surround sound shenanigans (it feels weird and I giggle a little to watch on tiny lil screens compared to a 61″). I always got shit in dorm room days for my tv/music being too loud with explosions and such from movies and bass from music. O how I loved making the whole damn 1st floor rattle to the front door in the girls dorm aka MaWa (short for Martha Washington). So umm where you gonna find the lesbian.
Ok you. Come over and watch the blu-ray of Planet Earth on my obscenely big TV and let me know if you can’t see much of a difference.
Why did the Gov. decide that life wasn’t worth living without HDTV? And does this mean that black & white sets will be placed in the Smithsonian?
Ma, even the Smithsonian rejects b/w tvs. hee!
FA, i’m not saying there’s not a difference in HD, of course there is. what i’m saying is, girls don’t care. as long as we get to watch what we want to watch? we’re happy.
Terica, then you are in that rare 10%.
and doesn’t the HD look SO CLEAR and infocus that it actually looks fake to anyone else? because i find that it looks almost CGI/cartoony. not that i won’t watch it because of that. like i say, i don’t care if it’s HD or not. besides, isn’t it a waste when you watch mostly cartoons anyway?
HDTV and news readers in all of their wrinkly high definition scare me.
It’s like watching Diane Sawyer without the fuzzy filter.
I do not diss the HD, I just don’t go out of my way to watch it.
that’s what i’m sayin’.