Dear Uncle Dante Manglehorn,

You’d help me with my bass? Really? You have a soldering iron and stuff? I used to, but with all 7 moves in the last 8 years… i don’t know where it is. I haven’t bought new pickups for the bass yet. I was going to check around town to see what they had, but if i can’t find anything I’ll probably order some Fender “Noiseless” pickups. I did a bit of reading and it seems like they might fit or they might (read: will definitely) have to be forced to fit (somehow. magic, i guess.) cos I have a Mexican Fender jazz bass and not the over-priced-but-probably-has-better-pickups-in-it American jazz bass.

I was also thinking of upgrading the bridge (to the Badass Bridge!), but I figure I shouldn’t press my luck.

I don’t know when I can actually do this though, as I never really know when I’m going to play for someone at church, and since I only have the one bass I don’t want it to be out of commission for very long. I’d borrow a loaner from someone, but the only other person I know with extra basses is my bro. He said I could use any one of his I want (isn’t he the best?), but gas is expensive as well as spotty at the moment, and I’d hate to get stuck on Mont Eagle (or, anywhere really) without any gas. I wish I had thought of this weeks ago and I would’ve driven up to the Good Ol’ Floppy Top and had a good time visiting the TN Pickles.

So as soon as I get some pickups I will TOTALLY take all the help I can get with this little project. I was going to ask Brookie for help, but he’s busier than like, 4 of us put together. So thank you, Dan, for offering! you’ve eased my mind a bit. I was really dreading all of this.



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