I emailed the dog shelter about Nana. I’ll let you know if I get a response.


some fried nerd with a side of nerd:

first, apologies to all music people who actually know how to use actual music/electronic vocabulary words. i’m playing the Girl card here. the Uninterested in Whatever All of This Stuff is, But I Know What Sound I Like Girl card.

the bass guitar i own is a fretless Fender Jazz. it doesn’t get very loud and i think part of the problem is the lack of frets. still, i love that bass. it is so smooth. it’s got the Jazz tone and without frets it’s even more smoothybassy. one bad part about it, and i think this is the same thing as the “it’s not loud” thing is that the lower notes are hard to hear. when i play higher notes they sound great and loud and dynamic and then when i drop down, like to a G on the E string, it’s like i’m not playing anything. you can’t hear it. i hate that.

so anyway, here’s where the nerdiness comes in.

Brookie let me borrow a bass that he had and was not using. it’s a Precision copy. and it has frets. the sound is night and day. it’s louder than the Jazz, and i really like that especially on the low end. but here’s the thing. it also sounds goofy. it sounds all “doink doink” or something. okay you can’t hear how that goes in my head, but it’s not unlike the Seinfeld theme song bass. it sounds corny. to me. to others i think it sounds like a normal bass sound. but i’ve played the Jazz so long (for eight years it’s been the only bass i’ve played) that anything else is going to sound funny to me.

so what i’ve done, right, is my POD (which is also 8 years old) awesomely enough has a Jazz tone setting on it. i know! so it makes the punchy, candy, toy sound of the P bass sound more similar to the J bass. is that not the best?! i cannot even describe to you how happy all of this makes me.

okay, back to your regularly scheduled program.

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