7. Stay by Nicola Griffith

This is the sequel to The Blue Place. They are both fantastic books, but they’re different. The Blue Place was sort of this hardboiled crime thriller while Stay is more of a story about character growth. I liked The Blue Place so much that I was afraid to read Stay because I didn’t think it could be as good as the first one. It’s not so much that I doubted the author exactly, it’s more like how many times do we all get burned from a series, right?

Well, I should not have worried. Stay was great. It was almost like a reward for reading the first book. Not that the first one wasn’t it’s own reward… maybe I should say it was like a bonus reward? Two rewards for one book! Which is actually two books! Okay, moving on.

In this book Aud is grieving. And it seems she’s not very good at it, but also maybe she’s the best at it? She takes herself out of the “real world” and moves to North Carolina to a part of Appalachia (right?) to build a log cabin, just like you or I would do. Eventually her pal Dornan finds her and asks her to come back and find his girlfriend who has gone missing. She doesn’t want to because his girlfriend is not a good girlfriend really, and Aud never liked her, but Dornan is one of the few pals she has so there you go.

I don’t want to tell you the rest of it because YOU SHOULD TOTALLY BE READING THESE BOOKS. There were two parts in the book where I stopped reading and was all, “WHAT?! Did that just happen?! Did she…I think she just… no way!” But in a good way. But I don’t want to ruin the surprise(s).

My favorite parts were the ones where Aud has to interact with the children, Luz and Button. Good stuff. I can’t wait to read the third one.

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