sorry that i haven’t posted in a while. i haven’t been online for days because i’ve been sitting on the couch coughing up lungs and horking up my toenails. it’s been so pleasant.

i did manage to finsh reading one book and i started another, but then when i slept that one time back on friday the two books were in my dream and they blended together and i have no idea what the secpnd book is about so i’ve stopped reading. i have caught up on some movie watching though. of course, i’m at the mercy of whatever’s on TV, just getting up and going to the bathroom has been exhausting, there’s no way i’m messing around with the DVD player and two controllers and blah blah blah.

things i’ve watched this weekend:

All About Eve with Bette Davis and those guys and those two other girls
Julia about Lillian Hellman (this dead woman is stalking me) with Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave; also, has Jason Robards ALWAYS been 100 years old?
Hot Shots part deux i can’t tell you how many times i laughed. every site gag got me.
Crocodile Dundee Goes to Los Angeles which was just as good as it sounds
Talladega Nights: the Ballad of Ricky Bobby
a documentary about Larry “wildman” Fischer it was very interesting but hard to watch. i had Popsicle come over and watch it with me; i cried twice.
Elizabeth with Cate Blanchette and that guy who’s always a bad guy
Employee of the Month
Blazing Saddles
(twice, thanks AMC.)
Suddenly, Last Summer which, as you know, i would have watched even if i had not been sick because i simply cannot look away. mr, fleegan is all, “what, this one again?” and i’m all, “how many times have you watched Alien?”

i also watched a western with Marlon Brando in it. i was on fake NyQuil though so it made no sense.
i watched some Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers. loads of cartoons and VH1 Classics. i’m not bragging about all of this, just making a point of I HAVE NOT SLEPT IN TWO DAYS.

went to the doctor (and guess what he told me, guess what he told me?) (sorry) this morning because i’m finally That Sick. (i would guess that my That Sick and your That Sick are two different ideas of That Sick. (your That Sick was probably Friday or Saturday. my That Sick is days after yours and borderlines on going to the ER. i even had mom drive me because i figured it was a bad a idea to drive. have i mentioned that i keep seeing bugs moving out of the corner of my eyes? i’m guessing that’s due to lack of sleep?) i’m constantly out of breath and that’s such a nerve-wracking feeling. i was afraid it was going to be one of three things:
The Flu
consumption and/or whooping cough 

the doc says it’s acute bronchitis (dodged those bullets!) then gave me a shot and three meds, one of which is an inhaler.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the inhaler.
also, thank you, Lord Jesus, for cough syrup with codeine AND phenergan COMBINED, you are A GENIUS and TOO GOOD TO ME.

the inhaler has sort of added to my tweakiness but i’m hoping after i get some more sleep that will all work out. did you notice that? that i said, “more sleep”? that’s because this afternoon i slept for FIVE GLORIOUS HOURS. actually, the first two hours i didn’t sleep very well because i kept waking up every two minutes to someone saying either, “huh!” or “eh!”

it was me.

once my vocal tic calmed down i finally slept so hard that i woke up soaked (sweat it out!) and freezing. fever, why you gotta do me like that?  and once the cough syrup wears off it’s all, “done!” and i am back to coughing so hard i pee a little bit. this just started today, so i don’t know if this is an age thing (so looking forward to this) or just a “i’ve been coughing for days now, something’s gotta give.”

mom made me a huge vat of homemade Paula Damn Deen chicken noodle soup. it’s really good but i haven’t been eating much (what with the horking). the only thing i want is water, but i know it’s bad to drink tons of water when it’s going right through you. so i tried drinking pedialyte. it’s kinda syrupy-sweet so i cut it with water. i call it pedialyte and branch.

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