June 2007 Dribblings | |
6.27.07 right. so. the countdown to the apocalypse or as i'm calling it, Julocalypse, is about 3 days. i need to buy a helmet. here's the repair job: and here's where i've written the date
on the new pipe so when it screws up again we'll know when we replaced it
the first time. here's the other hole in the other
cabinet: here's Toonces
Whorecat watching me blog about my woes: and lastly here's mr. fleegan eating an
ice cream cone he stole from a little kid: i tried one without the flash and told
him to eat the cone more sexily: whoa back off, that geek is mine. 6.26.07 now i hate to get paranoid, okay? but i can't help but notice that it's starting up again. the exact same week and the exact same thing: plumbing. and all's i can say is if this leads to the death of one of my pets? i'm quitting. "well here's yer problem, ma'am."
and here's the other side of that 15"
piece of pipe: Ceci n'est pas une pipe! (the art degree was totally worth that.) amazing in its grossitude, no? if, on the other hand, (the hand that is flipping me the bird,) IF say, instead of gravity working through my pipes to move the water along, and instead the water is pouring out a hole and into my walls, and then leaking, nay, streaming out the side of my house like a glorious waterfall of disgusting sewage spewing forth from the bottom of my vinyl siding...if THAT'S what's happening (and it is) well, then the water isn't moving the sludgegunk through the pipes and instead a perfect example of arteriosclerosis is happening to my pipes as well as a fungross rotting problem happening to walls that i can't actually get to. i'm starting to think i'm cursed. *** quick! here's a picture of roxy with a
chewie (not chewbacca): *** in other, better news: so to sum up: oh! and today at lunch i went through the BK drive thru and got a Mocha Joe...holy , those things are delicious! i'm sure they are made of chemicals and fat, but they're awesome. 6.25.07 i wonder how long this has been going on. also i have pms and it's the emotional kind and i saw where chris benoit and his wife and son died, and i actually teared up and that was right before i found the horrible leak that set me off on a rampage of hate and murder. not actual murder, but just the pretend kind in my head where i take a sledge hammer, cartoon-sized, and beat the sink until it's just a funny piece of dead metal. and i'm not EVEN going into deets about the giant limb that fell off the giant oak tree but managed to fall into another tree and i can't get it down and it looks like a dorkass beaver damn in my tree. or something. shut up. i'm gonna go eat some icecream. ican'twashmyfuckingdishes!HATEHATEHATEHATE. 6.24.07 *** the kitchen sink isn't draining so well these days. yesterday morning i poured the last of our drain opener down it to see if that would help. then i tried to plunge it, but i only have one plunger so when i plunge it just comes up the other side...i need two plungers to do a better job, but it seemed to help. but then this morning the drain was being a douche again so i got out the Big Guns: the snake. i messed around with that for 10 minutes and it's draining better but i'm sure it's not actually fixed yet. i probably just moved the blockage down. i keep running very hot water down it hoping that will somehow dissolve the grossness. ah! so that's what a pipe dream is! *** so. i made my girly juggling clubs, right? well mr. fleegan won't juggle them cos they are pink. that's what he says anyway. i think he won't juggle them because he's not good at it yet. s'anyway, i went back to Hobby Lobby and got some more paper (i tried to pick dude-ly paper, but it's scrapbook paper and there's nothing dude-ly about scrapbook paper.) i picked three patterns for him to choose from (and since one of them was a zebra pattern which he said would be ghey for him to pick) it was between black paper with white stars or the blue fun paper. he went with blue fun paper. his clubs now look like: close-up of that fun design? sure: so now there's hisnhers props for all that co-ed juggling fun! 6.18.07 you will all be there. oh yes, you will. rock! 6.17.07 so on the memory card was pictures of roxy and kaze. aw. poor kaze. so first, here's a smiling roxy: and here's a pre-death kaze:
and here's an extreme close-up of the kaz eating: right, and here's a picture of my lazy bum cat, toonces. i just took this picture and she was all, "gah, can't you see i'm busy?"
**** okay, enough with all the animal pics and on to the actual reason i got out the camera in the first place! some of you know that i have a passion for juggling. i love it. i love juggling and i love to watch people juggling. i could watch someone juggle all day long. lately i've been wanting to get some new juggling clubs because my old ones are beginner clubs which means that they're affordable and well, club-shaped...so i guess they've got that going for them. they're so warped that i can't even balance one in my hand. s'anyway, mr.fleegan ordered me some new clubs and i can't wait to get them. they're PX3s and supposedly they are the best clubs out there...in that they are very well made...not in their looks. i did not want the PX3 vegas/deco clubs because they are quite pricey ($37 per club) and i figure since i'm not actually a performer i've really no need to have fancy props. so now i've got some fluourescent green PX3 pirouettes on the way. i must be living right. but i'm really disappointed in the color choices for juggling clubs. it seems they're all too...i don't know...clowny? i guess that clubs need to be brightly colored because....they show up better? probably. but it doesn't mean i have to like it. so i thought about getting white clubs...but hello, like those won't show every scrape and dirt stain. and even if they are decorated it's always something shiny and just... no choices! and no girl colors! i realize that not nearly as many girls juggle as guys, but c'mon, there are other girl jugglers out there! so bright green it is. orange is my favorite color, but jimmy and i agreed that the greens were a bit cooler. i know. this is boring. but wait! it gets better! ish! so i was looking at my old clubs:
and i thought, "blah. they're so lame and circus-y." and i never liked that they weren't all uniform in color. so i figured hey, i have an art degree somewhere, right? i'm pretty crafty and clever at times...i think i can decorate my own props! yeah! why have i never thought of this before?! so mr. fleegan and i went to Hobby Lobby to see if i could find anything to cover my clubs with and i came home with pretty paper that i found over in the scrapbook section (there were only about 900,000 choices! finally! choices!) and mr. fleegan managed to find some stickers to decorate his new wireless guitar controller for Guitar Hero II (Cookie, you will LOVE it.). so. pretty paper. then we headed over to Lowe's to see
what i could get in the form of vinyl tape. SCORE! turns out i had choices
there too! materials:
so i took off the shiny circus-y decals and used them as templates and KA-BLAMMO! i now have very pretty, girly, juggling clubs!
let's see a blurry close-up of that pattern, huh?
how cool is that? i've got some more paper that's kind of a gun metal blue color that i'm going to put on the other set i have so in case mr. fleegan wants to juggle (he doesn't usually juggle clubs though) he doesn't have to use my girly props. i'm reasonable like that. i'm all about choices. and best part of all, when the decoration gets scuffed up and torn or whatnot i get to pick out different awesome pretty paper! they had seasonal paper! and some really cool stuff that i didn't pick cos i wasn't sure what color tape i could get but i bought brown, white, and black tape so now i'm ready for some awesome dec'd out props! 6.10.07 *** mr. fleegan's shingles are starting to clear up. we're all very glad for that. *** Guitar Hero II still manages to be fun. this game has brought so many people together it shoud win some kind of humanitarian award. *** i started playing Myst Uru Online Live again. i've not played in a month and a half. they've added a bunch of new stuff since last i played. a new age even! a new, crazy, strange, maddening age! Gametap has also released the new Tomb Raider Anniversary game. i want so much to play this game but i can't seem to control Lara very well...she moves too fast and it's really awkward. it's awkward anyway (to me) to use a keyboard to move a character around. but i thought i'd be better at it what with all the Myst playing. but no, she's not easy to move around. it's really jerky. *** finished another book. i'm hoping to at
least get to 25 in June as it's the halfway mark. but really, i'd like to
have more than 25 read by the end of june. will it happen? pig.
6.03.07 of course, when he was diagnosed on friday my first response as The Loving Wife was, "shingles?! oh no. i'm so sorry. it sucks to be you. say, that's like the chicken pox, right? so i'm in the clear OH NO WHAT ABOUT BEN? *GASP* AM I CONTAGIOUS TO BEN? CAN HE GET CHICKEN POX FROM ME LIVING WITH YOU AND YOUR OOZING LESIONS?!" ok, so my over-reaction wasn't quite so over the top, but it was close. mr. fleegan seems to have a very mild case of shingles. mostly an itchy rash with grossness. i've heard it's very painful but his doesn't seem to be painful. the doc said that sometimes it isn't painful. so i guess jimmy is thankful for that. *** do you know what happens if you click here? you get to see a picture of my
brother with his band and read a very positive review of one of their
shows! the reviewer says my little bro is "tighter than a tiger." | |
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