Category: dribblings
yesterday the sweet, kind, old lady i take to dialysis says to me she says, “jaimie, i’m so hungry right now i could eat a dead nigger and all the pallbearers.”
i didn’t say anything because if i had said something it would’ve been like, “lord have mercy, don’t SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!” and she, being old, would not have understood that it was a terrible thing to say because it is a fact that all old people are racists. that’s right, your sweet grandma? hates black people. it’s the way they were raised. and i’m not saying that makes it all right, nay. it’s just the way it is, and grandma ain’t gonna change.
so i just kept driving and didn’t say anything.
so then she says, “have you ever heard that one before?”
“no ma’am, i haven’t.”
“really.”Picture Friday!
to take your mind off of racist grandmas here’s Roxy the Rockstar!

i didn’t say anything because if i had said something it would’ve been like, “lord have mercy, don’t SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!” and she, being old, would not have understood that it was a terrible thing to say because it is a fact that all old people are racists. that’s right, your sweet grandma? hates black people. it’s the way they were raised. and i’m not saying that makes it all right, nay. it’s just the way it is, and grandma ain’t gonna change.
so i just kept driving and didn’t say anything.
so then she says, “have you ever heard that one before?”
“no ma’am, i haven’t.”
“really.”Picture Friday!
to take your mind off of racist grandmas here’s Roxy the Rockstar!

and here’s Kaze!
i rarely get her picture because she runs and hides in her house when she sees the camera.
aw, look, her wittle eyes are closed.
and here’s some firemen doing that thing they do with the fire hydrants every so often.
this is on the corner of 11th and Chestnut. i took this from my kitchen window. see where the house used to be?
and last but not least here’s a picture of the stumps the lady painted.

Tags: 'hood life, junebug, kaze, roxy
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