I fixed my turn signal issue on the Jeep this morning. BOOSH.

I couldn’t find my Jeep fix-it book (where is that thing?) so I used the Alabama Virtual Library’s Auto Repair Reference Center. (I would link to that, but it won’t work unless your computer is in Alabama, some kind of geolocation limit thing.)

I ended up replacing three bulbs, two in the front and one in the back, as well as two screws and washers that were really rusted, because I’m anal-retentive that way. Everything cost me $3.05 and about 0ne hour of my time.

How satisfying it is to fix something yourself, for the price of McDonald’s food, and I didn’t even have to swear once.
Oh wait, yes I did. Once. When I couldn’t find a socket wrench, dad.


Also this morning I woke up with a sore throat and a stabbing ear ache. I’m pretty sure it was from walking in the park yesterday amongst the miles of goldenrod that is growing. Not that I have allergies or anything. So I’ve started back on Allegra for the allergies I don’t have.


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